Wacław Kulczykowski

Wacław Kulczykowski

I have a Ph.D. in archaeology and I am a lecturer at the University of Gdańsk, where I integrate history with modern teaching methods. I coordinate the "Historical Game Design" field of study and teach courses on games, science popularization, and gamification in education. I have been a two-time finalist in the Popularizer of the Year competition, received the Jan Uphagen Award for Young Scientists from the City of Gdańsk, and the Prof. Tadeusz Dmochowski Award for supporting student scientific initiatives. In 2024, I was honored with the Krzysztof Celestyn Mrongowiusz "Teacher of the Year" award. I am also a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences' Council for the Promotion of the Public Understanding of Science and the creator of popularizing science projects like "Archaeology Live & Online."

Scientific Video Games

An essential part of my academic and outreach activities involves creating freely accessible video games based on my scientific research. These include:


Developed from my archaeological research conducted at a 17th-century cemetery in Nowe Monasterzysko (Młynary municipality) during 2014–2015, funded by the Foundation for Polish Science. The game has been played over one million times globally and was featured at the 22nd Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival.


Based on my archaeological and historical research on historical hydrotechnical structures in Grudziądz, carried out between 2016–2020 with support from the National Science Centre and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The game has been played over one million times worldwide and was recognized by PC GAMER as one of the best free games of 2020. It has also been featured in over 50 media outlets globally.

My Work


I lead and participate in various research projects, employing tools from both archaeology and history. I frequently use non-invasive field research methods.


With over 15 years of experience in science popularization, I have carried out dozens of projects, blending traditional and modern forms of engagement tailored to diverse audiences.

Education and Gamification

I use games as a teaching and educational tool, demonstrating how to effectively combine learning with play. I value collaboration between the academic world and game developers.


I conduct training sessions on modern methods of science popularization for researchers from various disciplines.


With four years of professional experience in promotion and marketing, I manage social media, websites, promotional materials, public relations, documentation, and other outreach activities.


I have extensive experience in organizing large-scale scientific and popular science events, both traditional and digital.

Polityka - Wacław Kulczykowski

Selected Grants

ENGAGE III – Foundation for Polish Science

Archaeological Site Live & Online

PRELUDIUM 12 – National Science Centre

Research on Medieval Water Supply Systems in the Settlement Centers of the Osa River Valley in Chełmno Land

DUN – Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Modern Methods of Disseminating Historical Research Results: A Video Game (521/P-DUN/2019)

PROMOTION OF THE POLISH LANGUAGE – National Agency for Academic Exchange

Following Baltic Secrets: Polish Language Learning through the History and Culture of Gdańsk in the Form of a Game

Selected Publications

Water History

Urban water supply infrastructure in Grudziądz (Northern Poland) – from the Middle Ages to the pre-modern times

Sekrety Wody

Wodociągi Pomorza

Origines et Mutationes

The First Urban Water Supply Systems in the State of the Teutonic Knights: The Transfer of Hydrotechnical Knowledge

Rocznik Elbląski

Znaczenie rozpoznania terenowego w badaniach nad średniowiecznymi młynami wodnymi w dolinie rzeki Osy

Gdańskie Studia Archeologiczne

Archeolog w służbie zniszczonych cmentarzy. Drugi sezon prac konserwatorskich i edukacyjnych prowadzonych w 2015 roku na ewangelickim cmentarzu w Nowym Monasterzysku, gm. Młynary, pow. Elbląg

Komunikaty Mazursko-Warmińskie

Studnie zamkowe na terenie państwa krzyżackiego w Prusach

Gazeta Uniwersytecka - Wacław Kulczykowski

Read more about me

Doctor of archeology at the Department of Historical Education at the Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk..

Coordinator of the field of study "Historical Game Design", the specialization "History in the Media Space", and supervisor of the student scientific club of analogue and digital games "UGranie."

Educator conducting classes and training on modern teaching methods and the dissemination of research findings, including "History in Games", "Popularizing Historical Knowledge Online", "Creating Outreach Projects with Marketing Elements", "Modern Methods of Disseminating Scientific Knowledge", and "Gamification in Education."

Promoter of science , creator of the "Archaeology Live & Online" project and a two-time finalist of the Popularizer of the Year competition (2020 and 2022), organized by the Polish Press Agency's Science in Poland service and the Ministry of Education and Science. Since 2010, he has been continuously participating and organizing events popularizing science.

Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences' Council for the Promotion of the Public Understanding of Science (2023–2026).

Co-creator of the scientific computer games "Excavate!" and "Waterworks!"

Rektor UG Piotr Stepnowski, Wacław Kulczykowski, Prorektor UG Arnold Kłonczyński

In 2017, he received the Jan Uphagen Award for Young Scientists from the City of Gdańsk in the Humanities and Social Sciences category for contributions to archaeological, revitalization, and documentation work, as well as innovative heritage conservation research in Pomerania.

In 2024 he was awarded the Prof. Tadeusz Dmochowski Prize for my dedication to student scientific initiatives and innovative approaches to science popularization. He was also honored with the Krzysztof Celestyn Mrongowiusz "Teacher of the Year" award.

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