Doctor of archeology at the Department of Historical Education at the Faculty of History of the University of Gdańsk..
Coordinator of the field of study "Historical Game Design", the specialization "History in the Media Space", and supervisor of the student scientific club of analogue and digital games "UGranie."
Educator conducting classes and training on modern teaching methods and the dissemination of research findings, including "History in Games", "Popularizing Historical Knowledge Online", "Creating Outreach Projects with Marketing Elements", "Modern Methods of Disseminating Scientific Knowledge", and "Gamification in Education."
Promoter of science , creator of the "Archaeology Live & Online" project and a two-time finalist of the Popularizer of the Year competition (2020 and 2022), organized by the Polish Press Agency's Science in Poland service and the Ministry of Education and Science. Since 2010, he has been continuously participating and organizing events popularizing science.
Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences' Council for the Promotion of the Public Understanding of Science (2023–2026).
Co-creator of the scientific computer games "Excavate!" and "Waterworks!"