Wacław kulczykowski
Science, popularization and education
January 17 – started the year with the Professor Tadeusz Dmochowski Award for “exceptional commitment to student scientific initiatives and promoting science in an innovative way.”
February 20 – conducted workshops for high school students from Rumia and Człuchów on video games as educational tools and methods of popularizing history.
February 24 – co-organized the international scientific conference "Games of War" at the Faculty of History, University of Gdańsk.
February 29 – received the "Teacher of the Year" Award named after Krzysztof Celestyn Mrongowiusz.
March 12–13 – During the Open Days at the University of Gdańsk, I presented the concept of a new study program: Historical Game Design. I also conducted workshops on historical video games.
April and May
April 9–22 – participated in training sessions on Problem-Based Learning and Its Application in Education.
May 25 – organized a workshop for students about historical role-playing games at Mefisto Pub in Gdynia.
June 3 – discussed historical video games with editor Mateusz Witczak during the CD Action EXPO at Atlas Arena in Łódź.
June 6 – participated in workshops "Gamification – Designing a Gamified Academic Course".
June 13 – delivered a lecture: "Historical Video Games in Education and Science Popularization", during International Archives Week in the historic BHP Hall in Gdańsk.
June 19 – provided academic support for the student event "Pipe and Teacup – The History of Everyday Addictions".
June 25 – attended training on Science Communication and Working with the Media.
July and August
July – reviewed papers as a member of the Scientific Committee for the CoperniConf conference, part of the Copernicon Games and Fantasy Festival.
August 10 – co-organized the event "The Less I Know, the Better I Sleep? – A Discussion on Disasters and the Dire Consequences of Ignoring Science" at the IBW PAN Creative Work Center near Lake Wdzydze.
September 12–13 – presented at the Digital Public History in a Divided World conference in Belfast with a paper titled: "From Archaeological Video Games to Historical Game Design Classes – How We Do It at the University of Gdańsk".
September 16–20 – conducted seven archaeological and historical workshops as part of the Talented from Pomerania 2.0 project.
September 24 – delivered the inaugural lecture, "How Do Games Teach History?" at the Lubichowo University of the Golden Age.
October 1 – The new study program, Historical Game Design, which I coordinate, officially launched at the Faculty of History, University of Gdańsk. The recruitment was a success, with five applicants per spot!
October 12 – delivered two lectures at the GDArena Board Games Festival at Polsat Plus Arena in Gdańsk: "From Archaeological Video Games to Historical Game Design" and "Between Games and History".
October 25 – discussed Historical Video Games as an Educational Tool with editor Mateusz Witczak at Poznań Game Arena 2024.
November 5, 12, and 19 – delivered a series of archaeological and historical lectures for the Gdańsk University of the Third Age.
November 7 – My project Multimedia Studio at the Faculty of History won funding through the Academic Civic Budget initiative.
November 20 – gave an online lecture, Historical Games in Science Popularization, at the invitation of the Center for Science Popularization at the Silesian University of Technology.
November 22 – presented a paper titled "From Archaeological Video Games to Historical Game Design – How We Do It at the University of Gdańsk" during the Quality Day at FarU conference at the University of Gdańsk Library.
November 28 – conducted a workshop, "Let’s Play! – A Few Words on How to Promote Research and Teach History through Games Effectively", in a “Board Room Discussion” format at the international OEB conference in Berlin.
December 2 and 4 – attended training sessions on "How to Use Design Thinking in Classes with Students" and "Empathy and Professionalism in Working with Students".
December 7–9 – concluded the year at the 8th Silesian Science Festival in Katowice, participating in a debate and delivering lectures on the future of historical games in academia.